Update: Signing Up & Latest RSVP News

Update: Signing Up & Latest RSVP News

Update: Signing Up & Latest RSVP News 640 960 RSVPster

Update: We’ve changed our login system recently, and wanted to give word on how to make sure you’re signed up to use this service. After you sign up on the order page, and pay through PayPal, you’re going to receive an email from us to create an account on the site. If you do not create an account on the site, we do not receive your order information. This account needs a username/password (for your ability to login, this can be anything you choose), your first name, your last name, your email address, and your work info.

“Why do you need my work information? My boss will kill me!”
Answer: Many RSVPs require ‘affiliation’, work information, company information, or job title before they can be completed. We wish to be as accurate as possible in representing who we’re signing up for these events – for both your sake, and so that the event operator has an accurate guest list.  We don’t want a party list with 500 people replied as ‘Google’. That being said, you can fill in whatever you want for this required field. We’d like the format of industry/employer (example: Media/The New York Times), but it can be as simple as saying ‘Freelancer’, or as detailed as ‘VP of International Sales and Development for Major Company’ — we don’t really care what you put, but we need this field to complete forms. If you do not fill in something for this field, we will reply for you.

“I signed up two weeks ago, and now the link you emailed me doesn’t work and I can’t create a login!”
Answer: The link will expire if you didn’t use it that day, if this has happened to you – please email us, and we can create you an account. This does not mean you haven’t been RSVPed to events, but it does mean that you can’t view the schedule/member’s only section of the site.

“How do I know what I’ve been RSVPed for?”
Answer: RSVPing is not automatic. It does take a day or so to set up your account on our end. The best way to view RSVPs is to download the Eventbrite app – this will work events we’re RSVPing you that are hosted on the Eventbrite site, and will have all of your tickets in one place. Secondly, if an RSVP is on Do512.com – we’ve RSVPed you. Again, this is not automatic, and can take a few days to complete. The confirmation comes directly from Do512.com, so please do not reply, but do not ignore these emails. List of full parties we’ve RSVPed to on Do512 can be viewed here. Lastly, many of the MUSIC events are NOT sending email confirmations after completing an RSVP.  The solution we have is to make a list of these events in the Member’s Only area so that you can see the parties that we’ve finished, but that do not send an email response to confirm your RSVP. If you’ve received zero RSVPs, and you signed up more than 2 days ago, please email us. This might mean we have a wrong email address for you. Also, events sell out — and (some) events only have 60 spaces to begin with. We do our best, but this is also why we have the links in the chart — if you’re really worried about not getting on a list, the link is provided for you. Most of the time, we find this isn’t an issue with bigger events, but might happen if you’re looking for a specific meet-up during Interactive.

Eventbrite App screen shot – This app is super helpful!

Any other problems? Be sure to read our FAQ. We’re trying our best to make an easy, hassle-free service, but when you’re dealing with a beast like SX, there’s going to be some bumps along the way. Thanks for using the site, supporting us, and letting us know any problems that you’re experiencing.

XOXO, RSVPster.com

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